City & Hackney MECS – Paperwork/Information Required
Paperwork required:
Before your practice can sign-up, we will need the following information:
- Practice/Company Name (for contract) and email address and name of person to sign sub-contract
- Copies of practice/company Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance certificates
- Quality in Optometry checklists relating to practices subcontracting from a Primary Eyecare Company (to access this, go to the Quality in Optometry website (link below), click on NHS Contracts, and then use the drop-down box on the bottom left-hand side to click on ‘Subcontractor Practice (subcontracting from a Primary Eyecare Company)’. Complete the checklists for General Conditions, Service Conditions and Information Governance. For each checklist, you will be given the option to generate a report which you can then download and send. Please note that the Primary Eyecare Service is Primary Eyecare (ELC) Ltd.
- The Infection Control Audit Report (found under the Audit section of the Quality of Optometry website).
- Quality in Optometry checklists relating to GOS Contracts
- Confirmation that you have successfully completed and published the Data Security & Protection Toolkit
For all participating optometrists:
- Copies of the DOCET Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Children Certificates, Level 2 (or equivalent: links below)
- Copies of PEARS/MECS Certificates (including OSCE)
- Copies of WOPEC cataract & glaucoma certificates for distance learning (these can be completed within three months of the start date of the contract)
- Copies of WOPEC Glaucoma OSCE if completed. If not, a local assessment will be arranged within three months of the start date
- Copy of current enhanced DBS check (updates to existing DBS checks can be done online)
- Copy of “Prevent Radicalisation – Basic Prevent Awareness” training certificate (Government and
E- LfH website links below)
All paperwork can be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 0871 661 6532.